
~2-24-03:I hope everyone plans on coming to the show at Palmer hall on March 7th. we have learned 4 new covers consisting of 2 Bad religion songs and move bitch by ludicris, and we have about 5 new original songs that may make thier debute! not only that but Crucified zombies will rock the house as well as Jolly Roger and Duck Bomb. we also hope to have buttons and stickers to sell too and we will prollly be making a demo of the new stuff to give away but we wont have many so its a one time thing. refreshments will be avaliable as well for cheap. so come and support the bands and have a rockin time! -Patrick

~1-30-03: Yo Yo Yo, we are currently working on getting shows in Grand Rapids in the next few months and we have one at palmer hall on march 7th! we are also working on shirts stickers and buttons so we have more reason to steal your money HA HA HA (with brutality). any way join the mailing list to keep informed and think for yourself 

~1-14-03: As you all may have heard, Chubtoad has been banned from the harbor. Contrary to many people's beliefs, we're not pissed about it, we think is funny. Be sure to keep checking back here for more inside information on how we are handling this, plenty of harbor bashing, and our next shows (what? did you think we wouldn't play any more if the harbor wont let us? spunk that we got shows so check em out)
Oh, and greeze is setting us up at the ice pick, and our CD review will be in the next issue if BrownEyePie.paper (thanks greeze)
Patrick and Thorsen's page is updated! Bios Updated!

~12-14-02:We have the show the 21st and everyone should come! Miami Death Machine, Jolly Roger and others are also playing I hope everyone shows up! It will be a good anal time! we have a couple songs to release there so show up! well that's it for rate now come to the show!
That was me with your mom last night!-Thorsen
-THORSEN'S page is updated!!!!!

~11-28-02: Happy Thanksgiving suckers! The only show we have coming up is Dec. 21st. Other than that we are free to play any shows. In other news we have two new songs that we are working on. One is more of a Punk song, the other is more of a Doo Wop song! It is funny I think we are gonna have a song in almost every type of music! I had a "family" dinner today for Thanx Givin and I realized how much I don't like my uncle. He is trying to close the rock harbor. because he is rich and owns apartments rate next door and it rattles the walls so he is gonna try to get them to close down. Don't get me wrong I don't really like the harbor. wait I just don't like half the management but that is one of the only places that lets us play. so it kinda sucks... you know what I hate is how people think just because they have money they can do what ever they want, and it doesn't matter who it effects!
well rich people can lick a crusty anus.-Thorsen

Band we are gonna have practice fri. so try to make it!
Thorsens page has been updated and I put more stuff into my bio!

~11-24-02: Ok we need a show so if anyone needs a band to play for any show let me know!!! In other news Dirt E. Twat played on Fri. they rocked, Didn't really get to see the rest of the show. Me and Jolly Roger Tim got kicked out, I got into a EMO fight it was great shit. Words of wisdom don't dislike any Emo bands they will push you and kick you out. It was gay, have I told any of you how much i hate emo. FUCK EMO. Thanks to woody and phil for suporting us in our anti-emo night. ha ha i know woodys real name it made me laugh!!! It is nothing that i would expect. sorry woody i had to bring it up! it was just to much of a shock. well in the words of everyone i know EMO SUCKS!!! -Thorsen

~11-10-02: we practiced yesterday. it was awsome I started to go nuts without it. well we have a new song that is close to being done. it rocks!!hard!! if you have the cd and have not reveiwed it go to the discography page and do that soon. we want to know what you think about it. so we can produce another good one!so in the words of me...ANAL...-Thorsen

~11-10-02: Nothing really in the news today. We need a show so if anyone can hook us up that would be gnarlly. I think we have one dec. 15th but that is to far away. I'm try to talk to the dude for the rock harbor about a show soon. But other than that we don't have any, That sucks!!!!!! well fuck your moms ass! -Thorsen

~11-08-02: What is up mother fuckers! If you want to tell us what you thought of our cd go to discography and go to the cd review book at the bottem! It is fri and i don't know of a party, show, or anything so if you know something tell me. Duck bomb and the drunk upstarts at the icepick on sat. i suggest you go it will be a good time! well i like warmed anal greese in a ceral bowl, it tastes like oatmeal!-Thorsen

~11-07-02: Hey everyone, if you own a copy of "the best sex you never had" you can now review it on the dicsography page. And for those of you who dont yet have one, check out what others thought! CDs are also avalible at the mosh pit for $5. In other news, we are working on new stuff but we dont plan on having a another cd any time soon. just look forward to hearing some new stuff! And if anyone wants us to play we can just see the booking page or get ahold of a band member. later-patrick

~11-04-02: well me and mike and mike think the halloween show sucked but thats ok we will rock out next time. we will be writing new fucking songs for your turd throwing plesure. So we don't have any show's close to now so if anybody needs a band to play we are more than happy to play that bitch. e-mail me at or any other of my band mates and we will most likely fucking play. updated my fucking page so have a looksee. well if you like anal im -Thorsen

~11-01-02: The Halloween Show wasnt bad, but i broke 2 strings on 2 guitars and thorsens drum sticks kept flyin across the room. Thanks to all that continued the support and bought cds. We even found one of the kids that was in on stealing our cds! so that is cool to(have no fear we will get them). for anyone else that still wants a cd but cant get us they will be at the mosh pit starting today. -Patrick

~10-30-02: The show on the 31st will be awesome. Sorry about telling you there would be messages on the inside of all the cds but we grabbed the wrong box. But cds with messages will be on sale at the show for those of you who still want one, and if you get the special green one, you win a free bag of candy! If you want a cd but cant make it to the show, then they will be avalible at the mosh pit also. We now have a mailing list too so you can sign up and get inside info on a regular basis. Both mine and thorsen's pages have been updated so check em out and sign the guestbook. -Patrick

~10-28-02: Well we have a show on the 31st at the rock harbor at 6:00p.m. Our cd will be available at that show also. Oh ya one more thing, someone stole 16 of our cds on the show the 25th that comes out to 80 dollars. We have the person that stole them on tape, and people that know him so. if we don't get the money or the cds we are going to press charges! so have no fear and be at the show on the 31st you can dress up if you want to! well anal is fun - Thorsen

~10-27-02: Last night was probably our best show ever. Even when they did turn the mics off, during Take It Out, everybody started singing with us so they had to turn them back on. They don't understand the power of the Toad. I hope everybody liked their CD's that they bought, and if you didn't buy one because you didn't have money, then you will be able to buy them at any of the later shows. And thanks again to everyone that supported us last night when they cut the mics, and everybody that was just there. Peace! -Larson

~10-25-02: Its the big day: we get to find out who sparky is, there is a kick ass show tonight, and our cds will be for sale. $5 and each of them has a special message, or present, from one of the band members inside the booklet. Come and get the best sex you never had tonight at rock harbor! -Patrick

~10/19/02: Ok thats cool, oh ya come to the shows bitches. oh ya the Decepticons are not going to be there. oh ya I chaged the color! -thorsen

~10/16/02: HA thorsen ive done the news!!! now what...anyway we are working on our set for the halloween show at the harbor, it will be a normal set, and it will be better than the last show there i promise. In case you hadn't heard what happened, we said ass (after they told us we could) and they shut off our mics. but when wack trucks plays a song with the lyrics"we came to fuck shit up, we dont give a fuck" its perfectly ok. it was gay but we promise that the next show will be a normal awesome show, or we will stand up for ourselves and the rest of the bands in muskegon right then and there. it is up to the harbor on what happens...we will not be held responsible for our actions! Patrick

~10/8/02: Alright you mother fuckers we are selling our cd on the show the 25th if you want one come, even if you don't want one come anyway The Decepticons are playing so is Jolly Roger, Duck Bomb, The Fallen Idols, and the Dukes (personaly I thought they were better as bloody holly) so show up to our show! fuck you all, Thorsen

~10/2/02: no news really, we are almost done with our cd. other than that if anyone needs a band for a show we will almost play anywere (wait we will play anywere) so hit us back if need a band to play. your not so freind, Thorsen

~9/30/02: The show on 28th was good. Duck Bomb played + Us (minus mike and mike). The show was ok we sucked, but duck bomb was sweet ass, as always. Thanks to everyone who donated money, sock said that he got enough money for the defisit on the bandshell (that he paid for himself) and made a 25 cent profit. Well thats all come to the show on the 25th and don't stick your finger in a light socket. thorsen

~9/29/02: the show on the 25th of oct. is a for sure go, so show up.we have a show next door to my house on fri. or sat. for amandas party so if you want to go there will be more info later. we also have a show at fattys church the dates and shit our in the fucking shows page. well anal greese is no longer just for beakfast anymore. your uncool freind, thorsen!

~9/26/02: Our cd should be done by the holloween show the 25th! we have alot of shows in oct. mike will put them on the shows page soon. we have a couple new songs that we will unvail at the holloween show so everone should show up! well that is all mother fuckers, Thorsen!

~9/17/02: Damn, no updates in a while. The show on Saturday was fucking awesome, besides Thorsen breaking his bass drum pedal. That place is so cool to play at. We have a show the 25th of October, but we are still not sure if we are really playing it or Jolly Roger is pulling our legs. But most likely they are telling the truth. Well keep checking back for new updates and shows and stuff, you know, and don't forget to sign the Guestbook!

~9/7/02: Fuck yeah we are recording a fucking CD. It will have about about 13 songs, maybe more "new and old" it should be for sale soon, so fucking buy it bitches. You think I'm fucking around but I'm not so don't fuck with me! Hope we get a show soon.
-Thorsen the coolest mother fucker in the world.

~8/29/02: WOW, 2 weeks since an update. School is the fucking devil. Yesterday was the first time that we practiced since last Thursday and we already came up with a new song. And we are making our old songs even better, by either speeding them up, or just not playing them at all cause they are gay. But whatever the reason may be, we will have some good songs. I have been informed that we might have a show this Saturday at the Rock Harbour Cafe'. We are still unsure as to if we will even be playing because we have to email the man in charge of the whole shindig. And if anybody has any pictures from any of the shows, just email them to or just talk to one of the guys in the band and we will put them on here. Peace.

~8/15/02: Sorry no updates recently, been to lazy to make any changes. We had a very boring practice yesterday and hope to have a better one today. We have been talking to a couple bands trying to find shows within the next month or so and if there is any bands that have any extra spots at their shows email one of us and tell us. The show didn't really go good. The smoke was one of the stupidest ideas and it killed all of us. We now know never to do that again. But I have to go and practice so adios amigos, and te amo too.

~8/1/02: BEWARE...we might have a show, next weekend (we're gonna suck) I'm workin' on lyrics to a new song so we'll have like 7 or something and we're gonna work on a cover song too soo watch out biaaaatch!                      -Mike  

~7/14/02: Today was our last practice as a whole band...Mike B. leaves tomorrow for St. Joe's to work. And Patrick is leaving on Wednesday. But after they get back, it will be back to practice every single day until we get everything down for the first show. We are in the works with Jolly Roger for getting our first show during August. -Larson

~7/12/02: Guess what...Another day of good practice. We have another songs complete and we have been working on getting lyrics to fit with certain music. We will probably be able to have a show before summer is over at the rate that we are going...Hopefully! 

~7/10/02: Another day of very successful day of practice. We have one song completely finished! 

~7/9/02: Today, we had a couple hours of very efficient practice, we have a couple songs now with lyrics, but 5 or 6 with just music. We are hoping to have our first show October or Nov. 
