Battles of the Toad

Agony's End:

August 10, 2002 was the day of Chubtoad's first show. They were really excited and wanted to get the word out, so they told everyone they new. Well one of those people happened to sign the guestbook Agony's End and mention our show. Its was a harmless act of promotion but when the members of Agony's End saw this they were a little upset, because they too had a show the same night. They didn't mind the promotion but they also thoguth it was a little uncalled for that we(they thought it was us, the band) would be so rude to make that posting when they had a show also. But all of this was a big misunderstanding. No one in chubtoad signed that guestbook and who ever did probably didn't notice the conflict in shows. But then Agony's End made it presonal. Not only did they say that they would kick the toad ass but they also insulted every other band that was booked with us(we know we suck but there was no need to bring Blue light specials, duck bomb and Jolly Roger in to it). So come the day of the shows and Fruitport was full of people, more than expected. And who showed up to the toad show? none other than agony's end, but not to watch of course, they were recruting people to come to the ice pick to see their show because apperently no one was there. After the 10th, the rivalry went on for a while longer but now Chubtoad has make truce with most of Agony's End. They realized that its dumb for two bands to fight because nothing gets acomplished.>

The Rock Harbor Cafe:

On September 14, 2002, Chubtoad, for the first time, graced the Rock Harbor Cafe with its presence. It was thier second show and they saw this as an oppertinity to shine because there were alot of people there. They rocked out and gained a pretty good following. The harbor was shuch a great place the thought, and they could wait to play there again. October 11th came and on the spur of the moment thing they were offered to play the harbor that night. they went and packed up and headed to their third gig. When they arrived they met one of the owners, Brent. He told them his ground rules for his stage. He didn't like the words fuck or goddamn and asked the Toad not to say them, and the toad agreed, its not like they swear that much anyway. So they started rockin', and people were liking them, so they decided to play We Sank the Jolly Roger, a new song not heared at a show at the time. "Then came matt and Iain the players of the brass, and needles to say, we really kicked their ass! Load the canno........". Brent had shut off their mics and ruined their song. In an instant their view of the harbor changed. its was no longer a cool ass place to play but a place run by a facist ass face that thought we was god because he owns some lights and microphones. Chubtoad packed up and left and only asked why and brent said "i told you no swearing". but is that what he said...NOOOO. The only revenge good enough for the harbor was sticking up for themselves. The Toad had a cd release party at the harbor in two weeks and they planned to come out rockin'! They played anything and everything they wanted, promoted the cd, and ended with take it out. Chubtoad had stuck up for themselves and no did a damn thing about it! so they decided to play the harbor again. They played on halloween and there was no brent and there was no problems. Eric the cool owner, asked them not to play take it out but they didn't want to or need to, they only did before to prove a point. After a month had gone by, Dave from Jolly Roger set them up again at the harbor on Dec 21st. They had forgotten about their past and just wanted to play a cool show. and when they sang the new jolly roger they were in for a scolding, and they new it. They did get yelled at but all were forgiven and the show continued. 2 Weeks later, they played they new years eve show, and brent came down harder that ever before. He said ne vulgarities of any kind, not one swear word, and surprisingly, Chubtoad Agreed. They decided not to play corey loves the cock and Mike took out the 3 swear words and put something else in their places. "Told you once i won't tell you again, you can shave your pubic hair just dont shave your penis, try not to sha..........." he did it again! for saying penis! mike went to go bitch at him but patrick had one better than that. "Take it out, lube it up, stick it in her butt, stick it in her butt!" the crowed yelled as the toad went out with a bang (no pun intended). With only thier instuments to defend themselves, they rocked for the last time at the harbor. but Before they left, brent had to throw in one last thing by threating to make Patrick bleed. As they gathered their equiptment and headed out side larson looked at his watch and said its 12:02. Happy new year and penis for all.

Wanna be Rock Stars:

These days you cant be in a band for fun. Its gotta be all about the money, fame, girls, sex, and so on. Music isn't about the music anymore, its about power and respect. This is just on lesson a man by the name of Eric "Naked" Cioe and his bandmates of Downfall had one time graced our band with. See, to everyone on the planet we were stupid for getting banned from the harbor be cause it was our stepping stone to stardom. If you didn't want to become famous then you can't be a respected musican, according to them. But to us, the people that are not in it for fun and for the music are the unrespectable ones. And one band should not be able to tell another band what they should and should not play, do, think, or say. Because when you do that you ruin what music is all about: the freedom to do what you want, how you want to, and if someone doesn't like it, you shouldn't care because you like it.